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Dear Podcast Listeners,
Thank you so much for listening in and your desire to be happier, more positive, and financially confident in this time in your life. The chapters you are downloading along with the entire book, Legendary, were three long years in the making.
You see, I almost lost everything, and I mean everything, when I was 36 years old. It was then that I said, “Enough is enough,” and started to discover who I truly was deep down inside and why I was put on this beautiful planet. This book, Legendary, not only discusses the ups and downs of my journey but will also give you the simple tools to start living with Purpose, Meaning, and Fulfillment in your life all while taking charge of your Time and gaining Financial Confidence.
As a business, money, mindset, and relationship coach, I have seen the tools in this book literally transform thousands of lives, save numerous marriages, and help people gain confidence and security in all phases of their lives. To be fully transparent and honest, it also saved me, my marriage, and my dreams. I know it can and will do the same for you.
So keep your heads up and your shoulders back my fellow beautiful humans! We will get through this and as a very wise person once said, “This too shall pass.” Here’s to all of us finding more courage, hope, compassion, and love in life, and seeing the goodness and learnings all around us.
Carpe Diem! – Tommy